berlin mitte

Middle-Eastern Restaurant, Café, Bar, Catering, Gallery, Shop & Events

In 2014, when the so-called „Wave of Refugees” reached Germany, we helped. In every way we could. And we visited theaters and museums with refugees, had concerts for and organized concerts with them, helped them to present their work in exhibits.

Then, we traveled to their countries and began to reflect. Our conclusion: a mindset of cooperation must be developed to appropriately face the worldwide phenomenon of flight and migration in this century.

And so we founded FREEARTUS artists + refugees united for freedom at the end of 2015 as a non-profit organization. We draft and develop new concepts for acceptance, integration and communication – and this, at every step, mutually with our partners in crisis regions or with the Newcomers here in Europe.

LAWRENCE is a further, important step on this path of success. The combination of café and restaurant, gallery, studio, shop, and event space has become a small melting pot of cultures, especially the Arabic, German and European.

Everyone – Berliners, tourists, Newcomers – is welcome here to experience enrichment through cultural exchange!

We found a fantastic location for LAWRENCE in an old apartment and business building, originally built in 1906, in the heart of the former Jewish Quarter in Berlin. Tolerance has always, and continues to be, the connecting attitude towards life here. LAWRENCE wants to contribute to this tradition in a modern way.

Ahlan wa sahlan! Welcome!

LAWRENCE berlin mitte arabisches restaurant arabic restaurant catering breakfast frühstück lunch dinner abendessen drinks getränke speisekarte menu
LAWRENCE berlin mitte arabisches restaurant arabic restaurant catering breakfast frühstück lunch dinner abendessen drinks getränke getränkekarte
LAWRENCE berlin mitte arabisches restaurant arabic restaurant catering breakfast frühstück lunch dinner abendessen drinks getränke speisekarte menu
LAWRENCE berlin mitte arabisches restaurant arabic restaurant catering breakfast frühstück lunch dinner abendessen drinks getränke speisekarte menu

LAWRENCE berlin mitte – Berlin's best Arabic restaurant!


Check out what critics are saying about our authentic Arabic restaurant and Syrian food in Berlin Mitte...

“Selten war ich in einem Restaurant, in dem sich menschlich alles so richtig anfühlte…”


“Wer ehrliches, einfaches und wirklich leckeres arabisches Essen genießen…der sollte sich dieses tolle “Kulturzentrum” der ganz besonders schönen Art nicht entgehen lassen.”

“Ob zum Frühstück oder abends auf einen Mazzateller – in dem schönen Restaurant mit Backsteinwänden, weißen Holzmöbeln und orientalischen Stoffbezügen könnt ihr euren Hunger nach syrischem und arabischem Essen von morgens bis abends stillen.”

“Soll man die Atmosphäre im Lawrence* in der Oranienburger Straße 69 an der Ecke Tucholskystraße mit einem Adjektiv beschreiben, so lautet dies vermutlich „offen”.”

“Even old standbys like hummus and baba ghanoush are fresh and balanced enough that you’ll be scraping your plate at the end.”

“Es schmeckt alles großartig! Wiederkommen garantiert.”

…and in Radio: RadioEins, Berliner Rundfunk and in Blog Nacht in Berlin

LAWRENCE Berlin Mitte - Arabic Restaurant & Catering

© 2017 - 2025 LAWRENCE Berlin Mitte UG
Orientalisches Restaurant | Catering Service | Berlin Mitte

+49 (0)30 5510 4430

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